Customized IT Risk Management And Security Programs

Consultiviti offers a wide variety of highly specialized training services to a wide array of local, national, and international client organizations. Regardless of size, information technology security training for businesses is essential.

Whether training in enterprise risk management or customized security training, training is designed to motivate all employees to participate in and protect their organization. It helps generate a sense of belonging and ownership of the organization and at the same time creates an organization-wide attitude of responsibility and diligence towards information security. Additionally, training is an essential element of employees’ education on the appropriate use, protection and security of information.

Training is most effective when it is tailored for a specific category of users, since different groups of audiences and departments have diverse requirements and needs. Consultiviti provides customized security training programs for different job functions:

  • Management
  • Information Security Risk Managers
  • IT Personnel
  • IT Auditors
  • Operational Personnel

Several regulations today require organizations to have ongoing training programs that keep employees and senior management fully updated and knowledgeable in information security, corporate governance, policies, and procedures. The training programs offered by Consultiviti address the topics include:

  • Compliance Requirements and Solutions
  • Security Awareness Programs
  • Fundamental Security Concepts
  • Security of Specific Platforms and Applications
  • Customized Security and IT Auditing Training On Demand
  • Specific certification program

The people in an organization form the first line of defense to protect sensitive corporate information and trade secrets. Training your people will ensure that your organization has an impenetrable first line of defense that will serve you in good stead in the long run. Let Consultiviti’s experts train your organization’s personnel on how to be an effective first line of defense.

Whether training in enterprise risk management or information technology, security training – for businesses of all sizes – is indispensable.